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There's always ambuiguity and vagueness when pricing for photoshoots, this is why we can't stress enough to contact us. You'll find we are extremely easy to work with and we will try our best to answer any if all questions you might have. 

 * -› subject to change


Where are you located?


We come to you no matter how far you are, wherever you choose ! However, we are all from the Suffolk Long Island area. Photoshoots 8-10+ miles will have a slight increase due to distance.


What's your price range?


Prices weigh in lots of factors such as how many photos you desire to be digitlly edited, how long the photoshoot appointment is set for, (P.S the longer the better, you can't always get comfortable and catch precious moments when you're in a hurry and also life gets in the way and that will eat up your appointment time) last but not least the package you desire to go for. If you go to the ABOUT tab -> Packages, you will find a variety of suggested packages where you can get the photographer, a stylist and a make up artist for one low price! Message me now to get your first free consultation and meet with us for free TODAY!


For Businesses looking to market and catalog their products, price will vary by how many products and how many photos you will need digitly edited. Marketing prices will also vary on projects. Photoshoots where a model is called to market clothing lines, shoes, jewlery etc; prices will vary on how long photoshoot is set for, and how many clothing changes. 


How long until I receive my photos?


You will receive your photos within one business week. You will be given the choice to download them from, CD, or a USB of your preference. This is to maintain the quality of the photos. I willl store all your photos for 30 days in case life gets in the way. After 30 days, I cannot gaurentee replacement of your photos. I like to give people the choice to choose the photos they would perfer to have digitlly edited (Since you are paying for them right!?). 


What are printing rights?


Printing rights or a print release differs from copyrights. You do not get copyrights to your photos but you do receive a print release. Time, work and effort go into making each digitilly edited photographic image into a work of art and  therefore the work of art must always be protected by imitators by the original author of that piece. A copyright release would transfer total ownership of an image from the photographer-artist to the client, when this happens I lose control over how and where it is displayed and I lose rights to showcasing for my portfolio and social media. The being said the client also will always have the right to refuse the distrubtion and sharing of their pictures on facebook, google+, and instagram. 


A print release allows you, the client, and any other party invested to perserve the originality and authenticity of the image. It allows you to print as many copies of the images as you want for personal use, such as for home, sharing online, or sharing on blogs. It does not allow editing of the images, selling, using without permission of the photographer for marketing/contests/ commercial work, etc. I have always been very linient on this issue however and as long as credit is given and permission has been given there should be no problem. 



What would the model release form entail?


Even though you might not be a model but just a client, a model release form will be given to ensure that everyone's rights and privacy are being protected. If you are not OK with sharing your images on social media then you have every right to decline. I do ask that in return, any if all media sharing of the images have a copyright reminder of dulce.nyphotography.


What if I change my mind?


If you decide to cancel, change the date or change the package it's no biggie! However the deposit you made is non refundable and are due before the second meeting prior to the photoshoot. Deposits are 15% of whatever package you request and also are a confirmation for your photoshoot date. Deposits must be made through paypal, check, money order, or cash. If the package you are switching varies in prices, it wil be simply deducted from your balance. It's important to keep your receipts and invoices for this reason. 

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